Textile Chemical Series


Weak Cationic Soft Flake ES



It is a polymer lipid softener


Basic Character

Appearance: cream white flake

Ionicity: weak cation

Solid content: 100%


Application Fields

Apply to soft finishing of cotton,hemp, denim washed fabric


Characteristics and advantages

Endow fabric better soft and fluffy hand feeling,

Has certain smoothness.

Can be mixed with silicone oil softener to improve the fluffy

Can be mixed with the high concentrated fuzzing agent to improve effect of fuzzing.


Diluted Method

ES: 100kg

Water: 900kg

glacial acetic acid: 4kg

process:(1) add 400kg into reactor, and heat to 55~65℃;

        (2) add ES with stirring for 30 min;

        (3) after swelling, add rest water.

        (4) add glacial acetic acid, stir for 10 min, keep pH at about 6, and filter


Usage Amount for Reference

Dipping Process: 10% diluted ES 3-10 %( o.w.f)

Padding process: 10% diluted ES 20-60g/l

1.Mixed with high concentrated fuzzing agent:

ES(10%):fuzzing agent=90:10

2.Mixed with silicone oil softener:

ES(10%): silicone oil softener=60:40





Storage】Store in cool and ventilated warehouse. Half a year of storage period


Weak Cationic Soft Flake ESC